All Access: Comic-Con With ‘Max Payne's' Mark Wahlberg & ‘Wolverine's' Hugh Jackman

Access Hollywood is on the scene in San Diego, Calif., for the biggest comic book convention in the country, Comic-Con 2008. The annual gathering of fanboys and fangirls is not just for comics though. We caught up with the stars of some of the most anticipated films of 2008 and 2009 — Mark Wahlberg and Hugh Jackman.

Mark Wahlberg is set to star in the video game turned feature, “Max Payne,” and he said the rough and tough nature of his character a welcome change of pace.

“After doing ‘Invisible,’ ‘The Happening’ and ‘The Lovely Bones,” I needed to break some bones and crack some heads again,” Mark told Access. “I get to go off. I get to yell, scream, cry and smash heads — all of it!”

[ Dish Of Salt: Comic-Con 2008 - Mark Wahlberg Talks ‘Max Payne’ - Play it Now ]

As for Mark’s take on the herds of hardcore fans that attend Comic-Con every year, he’s all love.

“I got love for them. I wish I was a nerd,” Mark said. “I would’ve avoided jail. I could’ve of gotten a nice education.”

Another star who gets to crack some heads, along with slashing his foes with indestructible adamantium retractable claws is Hugh Jackman. He stars in the highly anticipated next installment in the mutant world, “X-Men Origins: Wolverine.”

[ All Access: Comic-Con - Geek Chic - Movies - Mark Wahlberg ]

Much to the delight of the honorary Professor Xavier pupils at Comic-Con, Hugh made a surprise appearance.

”[It was] our last chance to go and say thank you to [the fans]. Because without these guys, there would be no Wolverine,” Hugh told Access. “I would probably be in a gas station serving gas. These guys are the most loyal hardcore supportive fans out there, so there was no way I was going to miss it!”

Hugh, who brought a few moments of the just completed film to screen, said fans can expect to see Wolverine in a whole new light — a much darker, angrier light.

“We really showed the badass Wolverine,” Hugh said. “In the comics, he’s never a nice guy…he’s maybe a good guy at times, but he’s never nice. And that is the Wolverine you see in this movie!”

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