Aeropostale to Take Over MTV Store Space in Times Square

In a move that will only further establish Times Square as a burgeoning center of big-box commerce in the city, teen-centric retailer Aeropostale has announced plans to take over the space currently occupied by the MTV Store in Times Square.

Coming right on the heels of news that Disney will take over the massive Virgin Megastore space, it seems that youth-focused music and entertainment are leaving the square (excepting the Broadway theaters, of course) and being replaced by teen-centric retailers. Billabong and Quiksilver & Roxy are also large shopping presences in the area, as is the newly-opened-in-2009 Sephora.

The New York Observer puts the rent at somewhere in the $10 million range, which would be a massive coup for Aeropostale, but considering the way the area is trending (especially once MTV actually leaves 1515 Broadway), it may be the right one.

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