Young Adults Need Guidance to Recover From Drug Addiction

Young adults with addiction problems want to recover but need help to make it happen, a recent study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence shows, reports the ScienceDaily.

"This study suggests that strong motivation to change may exist from the get-go among young adults with severe addiction problems entering residential treatment, but the know-how and confidence to change come through the treatment experience," said John F. Kelly, Ph.D. and author of the study of the Center for Addiction Medicine.

The participants -- 303 young adults, ages 18-24 -- attended a multidisciplinary, Twelve step-based residential treatment for alcohol or another drug addiction.

When entering treatment, participants reported high levels of motivation to make changes to bring about recovery.

But coping skills, self-efficacy and commitment to mutual support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, were low.

At three months post-treatment, increases in the latter measures predicted abstinence.

And increased confidence in ability to sustain recovery was the strongest predictor of abstinence.

The Center for Addiction Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School and the Butler Center for Research at Hazelden collaborated on the study

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