6 New Yorkers Raise Money to “Run for the Rabbit”

New York City's JackRabbit Sports store has launched a campaign to support six New Yorkers for the 2011 Hamptons Marathon as they raise money for each of their charities.

The running and sports gear store, announced its "Run for the Rabbit" campaign April 22. The six chosen runners are provided a running coach and a platform on the JackRabbit Sports website to raise money for their individual charities up until the race on September 24.

The charities are: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Ace in the Hole Foundation, Lifebeat: Music Fights HIV, Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Uniting Against Lung Cancer, and Teach for America.

The New Yorkers raising money for these charities are wide-ranging and diverse, too (one is even a contributor to Go Healthy New York!). Check out their bios at runfortherabbit.com.

To help these runners as they raise money for their charities ahead of the marathon, visit runfortherabbit.com or jackrabbitsports.com.

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