11/19: “New Moon” Premiere Party

Fang tough at Vintage Irving, taste 26 prime tequilas, and soak up J.-P. Sartre’s “No Exit”

MOON DANCE: These days, the world is divided into two kinds of people: Those who could write a thesis about Robert Pattinson’s hair, and those who don’t know who he is. If you fall into the former group, get yourself to Vintage Irving tonight, as the restaurant transforms into Forks, Washington for the “New Moon” Premiere Party. Highlights: Suck down Vampire cocktails, get photos taken with Jacob and Edward lookalikes, use the word “glampire” a lot. And more. 8:30PM.

BORRACHO: The Upper East Side appoints itself the Official Extension of Mexico for a night, as Southern Hospitality invites you to sample – wait for it -- 26 of the finest and most exclusive tequilas in the world. Reps from distilleries such as Herradura, Maestro Dobel, Cazadores, Crozo and Patron will be on hand to pour and provide a little historical and gastronomic background on their wares. But they won’t hold your hair back when… you know. So you’ll have to figure that part out yourself. 7PM.

LIVING HELL: You know who had a sense of humor? Jean-Paul Sartre. Like in his iconic 1944 play “No Exit”, which traps a group of strangers in a room until they want to kill each other, positing that “Hell is other people.” (Jean-Paul, we’ve traveled from the Port Authority to to Canada in a snowstorm, and you are not wrong.) Opening tonight is Nutshell’s new production of the piece, directed by Robert Haufrecht, in a three-week limited engagement at The Times Square Art Center. 8PM.

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