Storm Team 4

130 Degrees in the Backseat? Hot Car Death Danger Soars With Temps Near Records

This weekend it will be hot enough for sealed cars to hit 130 degrees or higher in just a few minutes

NBCUniversal Media, LLC

If you thought it was hot this week, prepare to really sweat this weekend - but whatever you do, not in your car.

Temperatures have been in the 90s since Tuesday, with the humidity making it feel closer to 100 degrees. Across New York City and northern New Jersey, Saturday will be even hotter and Sunday could be historic, with highs up to 101 degrees in some spots.

That means a lot of things for your health and safety, but perhaps the most important is this -- don't leave kids, pets or any other vulnerable person in a car this weekend for any length of time.

According to Storm Team 4, when the air temperature is 95 degrees, after 10 minutes a car with the doors and windows closed and no A/C running is already up to 114 degrees.

After 30 minutes, the interior of that same car is up to 129 degrees - and that's at 95 degrees outside. If it tops 100 this weekend in spots, that car would start to approach 135 degrees.

And don't think the early mornings are a special case either - even at 6 a.m., with temperatures in the mid-to-upper 70s, a closed-up car can easily top 100 degrees after a half-hour.

hot car danger
News 4
See how heat inside closed cars compares with outside temperatures.

Heat Illness Symptoms and Treatment

Exposure to excessive heat can lead to a long list of serious and potential fatal conditions -- the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health lists at least six, including heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

Look for symptoms like confusion, seizures, headache, nausea and excessive sweating. First aid treatments vary, but can include moving people into the shade, giving them cool water, and soaking or removing clothes to help them cool down.

But be especially mindful with kids - according to Seattle Children's Hospital, more than 50% of kids with heat stroke don't actually sweat, even as other symptoms are developing.

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