Email Scan

We scan the inbox so you don't have to. Today, only one item of note:

Best Bets Daily: F Troupe's buckled booties (pictured)
Brooklyn Based: Where to watch the third presidential debate
DailyCandy: Tom Colicchio cooks intimate dinners at Craft on Tuesdays
DailyCandy Kids: Not updated
Gen Art Pulse: Not updated
MUG: Pumpkins, insane coincidences, other online diversions
Refinery29: The personal style of Liela Moss, lead singer of The Duke Spirit
Thrillist: Super-soft tees from Flux Productions
UrbanBaby Daily: Jena Wellness helps you get Zen
VSL: 1972 Robert Redford movie The Candidate
WWWD: How to get Rachel Bilson's messy updoFor more stories from Racked, go to

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