South Of The Border Benedict





15 min


10 min
Green Chili Hollandaise
3 egg yolks
zest of lemon
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
¼ tsp salt
2-3 cranks of pepper
1 stick melted butter
¼ cup chopped green chilies
1 pinch of cayenne pepper
Small Pan of cornbread, homemade or store bought
1 avocado, sliced and drizzled with lemon juice
optional garnish:
chorizo, diced and browned


In a blender or with an immersion blender, zip together the egg yolks, salt, pepper, lemon zest, and juice until light and frothy. Add hot melted butter into the blender in small additions to temper the eggs. By adding a small amount at a time, you won’t run the risk of scrambling them. Once it’s all added pour into a bowl and stir in the green chilies and cayenne.  Add a little more lemon juice, salt, and pepper to your liking.  

Cornbread “cake”: Cut a loaf of store bought cornbread into 3-4 in rounds or squares. Brown on both sides in a sauté pan with butter.

How to poach egg:

Add a couple tablespoons white vinegar and a teaspoon of salt to medium size pot of simmering water. Crack eggs into little bowls. Gently slide eggs one at a time into pot without overcrowding. Simmer for 4-5 minutes and remove with a slotted spoon. Best to serve these right away so I poach my egg last.

Now for the easy part, assemble.

Place browned cornbread in center of plate. Top with 3 slices avocado, poached egg, and hollandaise. Garnish with chorizo and cilantro if desired.

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