Roger Clemens Can't Get Enough of Answering Questions

The Rocket will field questions via a Houston website

Roger Clemens emerged from his undisclosed location earlier this week to visit with "Mike and Mike" on the radio to remind us that everyone who says he did steroids is a dirty liar trying to better themselves at his expense. Apparently he liked answering questions because he's preparing to do it again.

Clemens emailed Houstonist and told them that he wanted a chance to interact with their readers.

The fans and the folks in Houston have always been great to Deb, the kids and me and we’re grateful for the support. I know a lot of baseball fans read the Houstonist and that they have asked questions about the false allegations against me. I welcome the chance to answer the questions of your readers.

Assuming Clemens isn't actually looking for a grueling line of inquiry, the Houstonist's editors are going to have their work cut out for them when it comes to finding questions that Clemens might actually respond to. 

You named your children Koby, Kory, Kody, and Kacy. If/when you birth a child from one of your multiple extramarital affairs, would that child be so lucky as to have a name that starts with the letter "K"?

Since you've failed as a baseball player, do you plan on going back to college to get a (real) degree, in hopes of someday succeeding (honestly) at an occupation?

My question - who is a bigger loser, you or your brother Randy?

The timing of Clemens' return to the public forum is obviously because of the release of the book "American Icon." Clemens isn't really responding to any of the allegations in the book, not in a substantive way anyway. He's denying everything at a macro level, and evading any detailed questions raised by the book's reporting.

That serves to make the book more credible, not less, because it's clear Clemens doesn't want to face up to those questions. His choice of venues for interviews isn't much better, as it ensures that he won't be grilled and can get away with answering whatever questions he wants however he wants.

It's not a bad strategy, so long as your only hope is to keep convincing the people who already believe you.

Josh Alper is a writer living in New York City and is a contributor to and in addition to his duties for

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