Euros Take a Pass on Marbury

One of Stephon Marbury's exit strategies was closed off Monday when Greece's Olympiakos team signed former New Orleans Hornets guard Jannero Pargo. Last week the Greek team sent smoke signals about having interest in the much-maligned Knicks point guard, but it seems now they did that just for some free publicity. This is the same team that signed Atlanta Hawks forward Josh Childress to a splashy deal, and got everyone buzzing about the possibilty of more NBA players bolting to Europe.

This news is a reality check for Stephon, especially in conjunction with the Boston Celtics' adamant denial of any contract talks or negotiations with Marbury. Fact is, Starbury's not in as high demand as he thinks he is. The Euros don't want him, the Celts only want him the way a pack-rat accepts anything given to them for free, and, as we know, his own team doesn't want him on the court even though they are thin at the guard position and have to pay him regardless.

Of course, reality checked out on Marbury a long time ago. It would be no surprise if Stephon continues his quote-mongering about how the Knicks are afraid of what he will do on another team. 

But at this rate if Marbury intends on making a basketball love connection, finding a team he can build a lasting relationship with, his best bet might be to chip off a little of that whopping $22 million salary and invest in an E-Harmony account. They've made miracles happen, and both he and the Knicks surely need one to get out of this mess.

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