How to Register, How to Vote and Where to Vote in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut

The 2020 general election is on Nov. 3. Voter registration deadlines are Oct. 9 in New York, Oct. 13 in New Jersey and Election Day in Connecticut

The 2020 general election will be Tuesday, Nov. 3, and it will be much different this year than any election in history, thanks to COVID-19. Every state has set itself up a little bit differently as far as voter registration, mail-in balloting and polling places. Scroll down to find details and key links for each tri-state election.

Click here to jump to information specifically for your state:



In New York, you WILL NOT automatically get a mail-in ballot for this year's general election. But anyone in the state can request one, and because of COVID-19, everyone is eligible.

Click THIS LINK to go to New York's online absentee ballot request portal.


In New York you can register to vote online - CLICK HERE for the online registration portal.

The registration deadline is Oct. 9, whether you are registering in person somewhere or registering by mail.


New York registered voters can use THIS TOOL to look up their polling place.



In New Jersey, all registered voters WILL automatically receive a mail-in ballot. You do not have to make a request, it will come to your home sometime after Oct. 5, which is when the state will start mailing ballots.

Sign up at THIS LINK to track your vote-by-mail ballot.


In New Jersey you can now register online. Click on THIS LINK to go to the online registration page.

The deadline to register is Oct. 13.


To find your New Jersey polling place, CLICK HERE for the lookup tool. You can vote in person even if you receive a mail-in ballot, though there will be far fewer polling places this year than in past elections.



In Connecticut, you WILL NOT automatically get a mail-in ballot for this year's election. But everyone in the state is eligible to request an absentee ballot due to COVID-19.

CLICK HERE to print the request form, which has to be filled out and mailed in.


In Connecticut you can register to vote online - CLICK HERE for the portal to do so.

Connecticut allows registration on Election Day at designated locations in each town.


To find your Connecticut polling place, CLICK HERE for the online tool.

Want to learn more about the candidates and issues closest to you? Click the party links by county below for more.

State PartiesDemocratRepublicanGreenIndependentLibertarianWorking Families
Town PartiesDemocratRepublican
New Jersey
State PartiesDemocratRepublicanConservativeConstitutionGreenLibertarianNatural LawReformSocialist
Bergen CountyDemocratRepublican
Essex CountyDemocratRepublican
Hudson CountyDemocratRepublican
Hunterdon CountyDemocratRepublican
Middlesex CountyDemocratRepublican
Monmouth CountyDemocratRepublican
Morris CountyDemocratRepublican
Ocean CountyDemocratRepublican
Passaic CountyDemocratRepublican
Somerset CountyDemocratRepublican
Sussex CountyDemocratRepublican
Union CountyDemocratRepublican
Warren CountyDemocratRepublican
New York
State PartiesDemocratRepublicanConservativeGreenIndependenceLibertarianSAMWorking Families
Bronx CountyDemocratRepublican
Dutchess CountyDemocratRepublican
Kings County (Brooklyn)DemocratRepublican
Nassau CountyDemocratRepublican
New York County (Manhattan)DemocratRepublican
Orange CountyDemocratRepublican
Putnam CountyDemocratRepublican
Queens CountyDemocratRepublican
Richmond County (Staten Island)DemocratRepublican
Rockland CountyDemocratRepublican
Suffolk CountyDemocratRepublican
Sullivan CountyDemocratRepublican
Ulster County DemocratRepublican
Westchester CountyDemocratRepublican
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