Taylor Swift offered a helping hand in delivering some very exciting news along with Jesse and Lindsey Rasmussen, who recently found out they're having their first baby.
Jesse from 102.3 The Max in Louisville, Ky, tells E! News he and his wife met Swift during a media meet and greet. The couple had just gotten their ultrasound photo the week of Swift's concert, and that sparked an idea.
"It wasn't until we got the ultrasound pictures that we thought of having them and the sign that said 'Baby's First Concert.' My wife Lindsey is a kindergarten teacher, so I left all of the creative sign making up to her," Jesse tells us.
"We had the sign and the pictures with us sort of hidden just in case we chickened out. We were both kind of nervous. Then she walked into the room and just started hugging people. That was the cool thing. She didn't just sort of shake your hand and say hi. She comes up and hugs you and thanks you first."
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Given her warm introduction, Jesse was up for proposing his plan. "I just kind of blurted it out. 'Hey we're having a baby! Can you help us tell everyone?' She seemed so surprised and touched by the request. There wasn't a hint of hesitation. She thought it was so cool!"
Telling family and friends was the next fun part.
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Jesse says it took a moment for loved ones to realize the news. "Most everyone we told before we posted on social media found out by us showing them our Taylor Swift picture. It was fun because the reactions were all pretty similar. First 'Wow that's so cool you got to meet her' or 'She is really beautiful and tall' then 'Wait... what's that sign say?!'"
He continued, "The day I finally got to announce that I was going to be a daddy was one of the best of my life. Having Taylor Swift help make that announcement has only added to the wonder and joy that my wife and I are feeling right now.
"She is a very sweet and genuine person and I hope to meet her again someday so I can express our gratitude and perhaps let her meet our little one (a future Swifty!)."
As if that wasn't all amazing enough, Jesse and Lindsey also received a thank-you note from Swift congratulating them again on their exciting news.
What a way to begin Father's Day weekend!
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