Last of 4 NYPD Cops Wounded in Shooutout Leaves Hospital

Four officers were shot early Sunday in Brooklyn

The last of four NYPD officers injured during a shootout with a suspect has been released from the hospital.     

Officials say Detective Michael Keenan was released on Tuesday. He had been shot in the upper thigh.     

Detective Kenneth Ayala was released Monday. He was shot in the thigh and foot during the incident Sunday. Two other officers were also injured but already released.      

The suspect was in critical but stable condition.      

Police say Nakwon Foxworth opened fire on the officers in his apartment. They say he previously had pulled a gun on two people who called for help.   

They say he fired 12 times and had three loaded illegal weapons.      

Police say his girlfriend fled the apartment with their baby son moments before the shooting.     

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