Fresh off of their appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Kimmel Fallon, the organizers and fans of the Universal Record Database (URDB) gathered at Piano's last night for their monthly World Record Appreciation Society, an alternative record setting event for semi-talented individuals focused on breaking records like "Most Ear Wiggles in 30 Seconds" (Rachel Sklar, 57-62) or "Fastest Time to Cry" (Julia Kaganskiy, unsuccessful).
Other records attempted and met were "Most Records Set in One Minute" (Jake Bronstein, like, 4), "Tallest Painting of a Midget/Little Person" (Todd Lamb, 10ft-something) and "Fastest Zippering of a Levi's Zipper" (Random dude, 97 times up-and-down).
Founded by Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson, the URDB is a self-defined "open, participatory database for world records." Unlike Guinness, they encourage creative records that will ultimately be judged by their users, and their only requirements are that individual records are quantifiable, breakable and legal.
To submit your own, attendance at the hilariously entertaining monthly society meet-ups is hardly required. Simply visit the website ( and submit a video or image of yourself making whatever record you see fit. You'll be surprised to see at how many ridiculous world records are within your reach with just a bit of creativity and a video camera.