New Jersey

Thousands of E-ZPass Drivers Were Overcharged in New Jersey — See How Much is Owed

E-ZPass toll booth

Drivers who went through a certain toll plaza in southern New Jersey may be owed money.

A malfunction caused thousands of drivers on the Garden State Parkway who went through the Great Egg Harbor toll plaza in Atlantic County in September to be over-charged, the state confirmed on Tuesday.

Officials said that about 4,000 E-ZPass drivers a day between Sept. 20 and Sept. 29 were impacted by the glitch, which charged drivers the rate that trucks and tractor-trailers get — which is nearly $2 extra each time.

The state said that one specific lane of the toll plaza was the source of the malfunction. Those who were affected should see their bills get automatically adjusted in about a week, and do not have to do anything to have their accounts corrected.

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