Rev. Al Sharpton wants Rep. Anthony Weiner to either commit to being a mayoral candidate or step aside so Comptroller Bill Thompson can give Mayor Michael Bloomberg a challenge.
Last month, Weiner said he was suspending his campaign to concentrate on his job in Washington – a move many perceived as a clear sign he was out of contention for the mayoral race, leaving Thompson to take on the Billionare Mayor.
However, the Queens politician continues to show his face around the city as Thompson augments his campaign throughout the five boroughs.
Weiner “sent every signal that he was out. Let's say that he's back in. Does he come in and have a divisive primary?" Sharpton asked the Daily News. "He ought to be flushed out to say what it is."
Sharpton wants a united party behind Thompson, who is expected to challenge Mayor Mike in the fall. Weiner’s office said he’ll make a final decision soon.
Meanwhile, Bloomberg has been trying to raise his stature among black voters. Many considered the mayor’s recent reference to Sharpton as a “calming influence” on the city a political op to that end. Sharpton has been adamant about throwing his support behind Thompson, but he has also complimented and stood side-by-side the mayor when it comes to issues like improving city schools, according to the Daily News.