A nude photo of a 13-year-old New Jersey girl has been passed around a middle school, and students have been warned they must delete it from their cellphones by today.
Police were called to Eisenhower Middle School in Wyckoff after teachers investigating an argument among four students found the photo of the girl on a cellphone.
Police Chief Benjamin Fox told The Record newspaper that students who still have the photo after May 19 could be charged with endangering the welfare of a child or possession of child pornography.
The chief says while there are no plans to inspect students' cellphones, the chief says there are ways things are brought to the attention of law enforcement.
The sexting incident was first reported by Wyckoff Patch.
The website obtained an e-mail from Eisenhower Middle School principal Stephen Raimo alerting parents to the incident on Tuesday.
"Unfortunately, I need to inform you that it has come to our attention that some students at Eisenhower have recently sent or received inappropriate images of a sexual nature via cell phone," Raimo wrote in the e-mail. "We are all deeply concerned about the impact this has on the children, and that is why we feel it is necessary to inform all parents/guardians to the extent possible that this has happened."
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