An undercover NYPD officer was bitten and an armed driver was shot after he tried to speed away from a Queens traffic stop with a third cop in his vehicle, police said.
Undercover officers stopped a silver Mercedes after they saw it run several red lights on Hollis Avenue in Queens Village shortly before 11 p.m., police said.
Officers approached the vehicle, but the driver refused to roll down his window all the way and wouldn't put the car in park, according to police. The officers repeatedly told him to put the car in park, and a sergeant with nine years on the job eventually opened the car door to change the gear.
That's when police said that the driver took off, speeding away with the sergeant still inside the vehicle.
The driver made it three blocks before other officers boxed him in, according to police, and the suspect tried to climb over the sergeant to escape.
Officers engaged an armed suspect following a car stop and recovered this loaded gun.
— NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) May 12, 2016
The two allegedly then scuffled and officers noticed he had a gun, police said. Two other officers then came to the sergeant's aid, and one was bitten, according to authorities.
The sergeant then fired his weapon at the driver and hit him in the right leg, police said.
The officer who was bitten was taken to North Shore-LIJ hospital for observation, police said.
The suspect, 34-year-old Ramell Lockwood, was transported to Queens General Hospital with a gunshot wound. He is in stable condition and has been charged with several crimes including assault, menacing and resisting arrest.
Lockwood had been arrested three times between 2004 and 2008, but had no prior interactions with police as an emotionally disturbed person, sources told NBC 4 New York.
Attorney information for the man wasn't immediately available.
Resident Darlene Roots said there have been too many crime scenes in the neighborhood and that she's thinking about leaving.
“You come outside and you see all this going on. You wake up and it is very unnerving, especially in this neighborhood, it’s quiet,” Roots said.
Officer Brian Moore was shot and killed five blocks away from the scene of Wednesday's police-involved shooting a year ago this month.