‘Just Keep It in Your Pants': Flasher Targets Young Women at Hofstra University

Hofstra University students have been warned about a man who is flashing young women from his car.

At least two women have been targeted by the flasher over the last 10 days, authorities say. The man approaches women in his car and asks for directions before exposing himself.

Students like Katie Ramkelawan call the flashings disgusting and surprising, especially since the flasher has struck in broad daylight.

“There’s a lot of girls on this campus and I’m sure they don’t feel safe,” Ramkelawan said.

Both the university and Hempstead police say they have stepped up patrols near the school.

Lindsey Parent said the university has even advised students not to walk alone and be on alert.

“They’re really saying if someone stops to talk to you, just keep walking,” Parent said.

Police are looking for a young man in a dark-colored sedan.

Alex Ubalde, a senior at the school, says she won’t walk in fear and that news of a flasher is more annoying than anything.

“So many women get street harassed every day. This is just one more thing we have to deal with and we’re just sick of it,” Ubalde said.

And she has some sound advice for the flasher: “Just keep it in your pants.”

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