What to Know
- Getting to NYCC 2018 this year may prove a bit difficult for some guests Saturday and Sunday
- Starting at 12:15 a.m. Saturday until 4:30 a.m. Monday the 7 train will be suspended between Queensboro Plaza and 34 St-Hudson Yards
- MTA says the temporary suspension is due to work being done involving "signal modernization"
If you are thinking of heading over to the Javits Center for Comic Con this weekend, your transportation plans may become derailed since the 7 train line will be suspended.
Starting at 12:15 a.m. Saturday until 4:30 a.m. Monday the 7 train will be suspended between Queensboro Plaza and 34 St-Hudson Yards.
But, fear not Comic Con attendees — the 7 line will be replaced by the E, F, N, W and S trains as well as free shuttle buses between Queensboro Plaza and 34 St-Hudson Yards.
MTA spokesman, Jon Weinstein, says that the transportation agency is in the final stretches of deploying “modern Communications Based Train Control signals” on the 7 line and this is the main reason for suspending the train over the weekend.
“The 7 line is on the precipice of a major, game-changing signalization upgrade for hundreds of thousands of daily riders, 2019 Comic Con attendees, and basically everyone – this weekend’s work is key to that effort,” Weinstein says.
Additionally, he noted that alternative transportation services will be available to accommodate commuters of the 7 line who are heading to the Javits Center for Comic Con.
“We have robust alternative service scheduled to accommodate all the attendees of Comic Con – and other events – including shuttle buses from Times Square to Hudson Yards/Javits Center and additional buses on standby from a nearby depot that can be deployed as needed,” Weinstein said.
Additionally, the MTA will “be actively and aggressively communicating service alternatives” through its social media and announcement channels to get the word out, according to Weinstein.
The New York Comic Con is a fan convention dedicated to celebrating comics, graphic novels, anime, manga, video games, toys, movies, and television.