New York

New York Clerk Apologizes to Gay Couple for Denying Marriage License

What to Know

  • A town clerk in upstate New York has publicly apologized to a gay couple for denying them a marriage license
  • Root Town Clerk Sherrie Eriksen read the apology at a board meeting Wednesday evening to settle a lawsuit the couple filed against the town
  • Eriksen cited a religious objection after she denied the license in July

A town clerk in upstate New York has publicly apologized to a gay couple for denying them a marriage license.

Root Town Clerk Sherrie Eriksen read the apology at a board meeting Wednesday evening to settle a lawsuit the couple filed against the town. The settlement also includes a $25,000 payment to Dylan Toften-Hurd and Thomas Hurd-Toften.

Eriksen cited a religious objection after she denied the license in July. The couple married in another town.

The Recorder of Amsterdam reports the couple said after the meeting they were satisfied with the resolution.

Town attorney Robert Subik says an inquiry by the state Division of Human Rights continues.

In announcing the state inquiry in August, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the license denial "an unconscionable act of discrimination."

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