Two towns on Long Island are giving parking ticket scofflaws a chance to pay their tickets at a reduced fine.
In Brookhaven, Town Supervisor Ed Romaine says between April 15 and June 1, people with outstanding tickets can pay their old tickets for 40 percent less than the original fine.
He's hoping the amnesty initiative will help motivate people to pay up and bring in revenue to help offset a budget gap. Romaine estimates unpaid parking tickets dating back as far as 2005 amount to around $2.7 million, and is expecting $300,000 to come in during the amnesty period.
"If you have an outstanding parking ticket, and it's several months or several years old and you haven't paid, it hasn't gone away," said Romaine. "This is an opportunity for you to follow up on that."
The town has hired a company to go after those who don't pay their parking tickets by June 1, however. It can also issue a credit judgment against those who do not pay, potentially affecting their credit down the line.
The town of Huntington has also designated April parking amnesty month.