A Brooklyn truck driver summoned to jury duty wound up locked up Wednesday morning after mouthing off in court.
When the 20-something truck driver's name was first called during selection for an otherwise routine homicide trial, he answered "absent." Called again, he repeated "absent."
When Justice Neil Firetog asked if the man was indeed the juror, the driver acknowledged as much, but defiantly added "I don't believe in the system."
After Justice Firetog, noting that 70 other Brooklyn residents were present to serve, said "jury duty is expected of every United States citizen," the unruly juror snapped "you can have your citizenship!"
That was the moment that the juror became a temporary guest of Kings County. Judge Firetog ordered court officers to take the man to jail for contempt.
Two hours later, with a jury empaneled in the homicide case, the snarky objector was brought back in handcuffs before the judge for a final dressing down before being released.
"You could have made concerns about your ability to be impartial known politely and in a more intelligent manner." Justice Firetog said, before ordering the juror's contempt record expunged.