It was like the infamous high-living prison-life scenes in "Goodfellas" except kosher.
Yesterday it was revealed that a notorious con man awaiting trial for fraud was allowed to throw a bar mitzvah for his kid in the friendly confines of the Tombs, the city's downtown lockup, all thanks to the largess of jail chaplain Leib Glanz. Now an anonymous memo claims that to-do was only the tip of the iceberg.
"The outlandish and outrageous things that the rabbi is allowed to do in the facility have gotten beyond words and belief," the memo sent to Mayor Mike Bloomberg and obtained by The New York Post. "When it comes to Rabbi Glanz, it would [seem] that the Jewish inmates are not in jail but in a private club reserved just for them."
Even before the memo arrived, Bloomberg was at an atypical loss for words.
"I didn't quite know what to say when I saw the article," said the mayor. "Clearly, this is not something that should have taken place. I don't care how you sugarcoat or define it. It's sort of 'through the looking glass.' "
Besides helping to throw lavish parties with fine china and knives -- knives! -- Glanz has regularly brought in "sodas, salmon, roast chicken, roast beef, mash potatoes, vegetables, cakes, condiments" for his fellow Jews; threw an annual picnic for "all the top brass, and only the Jewish inmates are allowed to cook and serve the food, and then they are allowed to sit at the table and eat like invited guests," after which "other inmate workers . . . come and clean up the place, which usually consist of the black or Hispanic inmates."
And whenever someone tried to question he favors Glanz did for his flock, they were told that "the rabbi has 'juice' " with Correction Department brass.
Glanz is currently on suspension pending an investigation.
Mmmmm .... Rabbi juice.