WATCH: Finnish Freeskier Hits Camera Operator, Crashes on Top of Halfpipe

Finnish skier Jon Sallinen has experienced some TikTok fame for jumping off bridges and cliffs, and now the Olympian is the star of another viral video.

As Sallinen attempted to qualify for men's freeski halfpipe final at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, he got a little too much air on his first run, lost control and went flying into a camera operator who may have helped cushioned his crash on top of the halfpipe.

The 21-year-old and the cameraperson appeared to not have suffered serious injuries.

"I hope the camera guy is all good. Sorry," Sallinen said as he received a low score of 18.00.

Coming out of the pipe like that — and landing on the deck — doesn’t happen that often on this level.

“Sometimes if you mess up the takeoff like I did right there, that’s the worst outcome,” Sallinen later explained. “I was lucky not to land on my head and then maybe get a little cushion from the camera guy. ... I hope he’s all good.

"At the same time, I landed straight on my collarbone and I felt some movement, heard some cracking in there. I hope it’s not broken, but it’s really painful right now, he added."

The Finnish didn't have a much better performance on his second run. He fell once more and had to make the walk up the pipe to retrieve one of his ski poles. He received a score of 18.50, leaving him in last place and he was unable to qualify for the final.

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