Like many New Jerseyans, Gov. Jon S. Corzine has been battered by investment losses.
That's according to income tax estimates released Wednesday by the governor's office.
Corzine spokesman Robert Corrales said the governor's adjusted gross income was minus $2.75 million in 2008, mostly due to declines in investments.
The governor is filing for a tax extension, giving him until later this year to file his 2008 income tax returns.
Corzine earned an estimated $11.8 million in 2007 and paid about $3.4 million in federal and state income taxes.
Corzine made millions as head of investment banking firm Goldman Sachs until 1999, but takes just $1 per year as New Jersey's Governor.
Of the Republican gubernatorial candidates, Christopher Christie filed for an extension and Steve Lonegan filed a tax return, but neither divulged his income.
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