Feds Bust Bronx-Based Prescription Drug Ring

Federal agents raided four locations in the Bronx Wednesday morning and recovered over 122,000 pills, including Percocet, Ecstasy and Viagra.

Federal authorities have arrested six people in connection with a Bronx-based illegal prescription drug ring.

The U.S. Attorney's Office says the suspects were arrested on charges of conspiring to distribute oxycodone and alprazolam, commonly known as Xanax. Prosecutors say the defendants participated in a ring that distributed the drugs to buyers across the U.S.

Federal agents raided four locations in the Bronx Wednesday morning and recovered over 122,000 pills, including Percocet, Ecstasy and Viagra.

A raid at the apartment of one of defendants, in which she operated a daycare center, netted several thousand pills. Packaging materials, shipping labels and envelopes were also recovered in the raids.

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