New York

Breastfeeding Mothers Can Now Push Back Jury Duty for Two Years in New York

What to Know

  • A new law in New York allows breastfeeding mothers to delay jury duty for up to two years
  • The law signed Monday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo requires mothers who want to postpone jury duty to submit a note from a physician
  • Jury duty can't have already been postponed or excused

Mothers can now be on mommy duty while adhering to one of their civic duties.

A new law in New York allows breastfeeding mothers to delay jury duty for up to two years.

The law signed Monday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo requires mothers who want to postpone jury duty to submit a note from a physician. Jury duty can't have already been postponed or excused.

The National Conference of State Legislatures says 17 other states have similar laws.

Democratic Assembly Member Marcos Crespo said the bill protects maternal and child health while allowing people to fulfill their civic duty at a later time.

The law takes effect immediately.

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