Vigilantes Repaint Bike Lane in Williamsburg

In another battle over the Bedford Avenue bike lane wars, vigilantes repainted a bike lane that had been sandblasted away in, what a source close to Bloomberg says was, "an effort to appease the Hasidic community just before last month's election," reports the Post.

They were caught and detained by a neighborhood watch group, but when the real cops showed up, nobody faced any charges or arrest.

The community's disapproval of the bike lane stems from religious law that forbids Hasidic members from seeing scantily clad women. And these women, scantily clad as ever, have been using the bike lane to get from one point of undress to the other across Brooklyn over the past year.

A spokesperson for the Department of Transportation told the Post, "We will continue to work with any community on ways we can make changes to our streets without compromising safety," but Wiley Norvell of Transportation Alternatives thinks these very changes have made the bicycle commute from North to South Brooklyn as unsafe as ever. "This is a really heavily used segment of the Brooklyn bike network," he told Streetsblog. "Cyclists are still going to use Bedford Avenue in large numbers, and they deserve a safe route."

So, here's option C. What Bedford Avenue needs is a mile-long opaque tunnel running along the bike lane, where barely dressed hipster women can ride freely from one point to another without showing off their skin to those who wish not to see those sights.

DOT, make it happen.

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