Hoboken Mayor Looks To Quiet Residents and Hotspots

Hoboken residents who say they are fed up with noise blasting from neighborhood bars and restaurants may get some relief now that City Hall is announcing steps to quiet the town.

Mayor Dawn Zimmer announced a series of measures that she hopes will quell the noise from the local hotspots and the anger from locals.

The plan includes increased patrols, stepped-up enforcement and a simplified complaint process.

Zimmer said Hoboken remains a city with vibrant nightlife.

“All we ask is that residents, visitors, and business owners be courteous and respectful of neighbors,” she said in a statement.

The mayor’s office is planning to increase the police presence during peak noise periods. This initiative comes on top of foot patrols that were recently increased.

The Zimmer administration will also propose legislation to set the fine for disturbing the peace to $500, $1,000 and $2,000 for the first, second and third offenses, respectively. In addition to paying a fine, community service would be required for all offenses.

A major part of the mayor’s plan includes establishing one central location where residents can call with noise complaints.

Fire dispatchers are now being trained on the city’s noise ordinance and will receive and track noise complaints through the new system.

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