Brooklyn Man Pushed Off Roof by Cop Wins $4.6M

A jury  has awarded $4.6 million to a Brooklyn resident who became paralyzed after a cop pushed him off a three-story building, the Daily News reported.

Shawn Lewis, 32, said he is "content" with the sum, but would rather be able to walk.

Lewis was chased to the roof of a Pennsylvania Ave. building in Brooklyn back in 2005 by Officer Jason Boreman and two other officers, who were investigating a 911 call from Lewis's ex.   

The jury found that Boreman shoved Lewis, sending him tumbling backward over the roof's edge. 

Lewis's lawyer, Leslie Kelmachter, blamed "the over-zealousness of police officers who were not properly trained." 

"The first thing that came to my mind was my mother, then second was 'Oh God, help me!,'" Lewis said, according to the News .

The attorney for the city, Jennifer Rossan, told the jury a different story. She claimed Lewis was hanging off the edge to hide from the cops and lost his grip, the News reported.


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