Police arrested a man they said wore 3-D glasses and a fedora while robbing a Connecticut gas station where he negotiated the amount of how much money he was trying to steal.
The robber went into the Mobil Gas Station on West Putnam Avenue with a gun Thursday and demanded that the clerk hand over cash from the register, police said.
The clerk told the robber that he would get in trouble if he gave him the money, so the suspect dropped the price of how much money he wanted, police said.
He told the clerk he was in a hurry and again reduced the amount, finally settling on $60, police said.
“I have to go. I really need the money. My son is sick in the hospital," he said, according to police.
The clerk gave him $60 and the robber ran off.
Police searched the area and found a man matching his description.
They also found a toy gun nearby, the clothes worn during the robbery and the cash, police said.
The suspect had hypodermic needles, police said, and does not have a sick son.