Indaba Offers Call-In Music Session Recording

Musicians separated by geography are known to collaborate on recordings regularly. Whether they do so easily is something else. Fortunately, services like Indaba Music facilitate such collaboration. What’s more, today Indaba is unveiling a new option that allows users to take the remote recording and mixing solution mobile.

IndabaVox is the name, and it essentially allows users to “call in” to music sessions to record from wherever they are. You can think of it as a sort of portable tape deck, except that you and anyone else with access to a session can listen to and edit the recording from the Web. For spur-of-the-moment riff making or song demos, this can certainly help sustain fleeting memories into long-lasting sounds.

Calls through IndabaVox occur via VoIP. In order to connect via an outside line, you have to establish a session and click the button on the right side of the session window labeled “Record by phone…” You’ll be shown a pop-up with a phone number and PIN. If you are unable to access your default session when you first call the number provided, pressing ‘3’ on your keypad will initiate a request for your entry of the seven digit PIN. Once you’ve done so, just start sending off your audio. It may take some time for Indaba to register a submission. (As of writing this review, I still await the upload of a track to my freshly-created account.)

That’s all there is to it. The length of a recording is pretty much free form, though sound quality will of course vary according to the way in which calls are made. You can place a call via a mobile phone or land line. Though this is currently the sole method employed by Indaba Music for remote access to a music session, the company intends to launch an iPhone-compatible service, which will provide tracking of sessions and messages.

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