SPIN: Where is the music industry heading? Is the mp3 en route to being extinct? And why did the MPAA ruin all the Muxtape fun? These and other questions will be on tap at Tekserve's third Future of Music roundtable, featuring artists, techy types, music industry execs, and others. 8:30PM.
EX FILES: Sure, you've had your heart mowed down by a battalion of crazy/needy/other exes - but have you edited an anthology about it called Things I've Learned from the Women Who've Dumped Me? And then turned said book into a performance showcase of contributors at 92Y Tribeca? See, that's where you and ex-Daily Show and Colbert Report writer/producer Ben Karlin differ. 9PM.
INDIERIFFIC: It was made in 1975 by a 25-year-old film student (Chantal Akerman) for a little over a hundred grand - and critics have been falling over each other praising it ever since. Today's your last chance to catch the brilliantly chilling Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles - about a how the tidy life of a Belgian woman goes awry - at Film Forum. Times vary.