As your head hits the pillow tonight, remember this: However bad you may have it thanks to Old Father Recession - unemployment, foreclosure, whatever - your plight is dwarfed by the suffering endured by the ladies of DABA.
DABA - which stands for Dating a Banker Anonymous - is a support group formed by women whose boyfriends and husbands, all in the financial industry, have seen their net worth plummet, lifestyle altered, and stress level soar as a result of the Wall Street shakeup. Because it's hardest on the ladies, you see! As the DABA blog states (and the Times piece on it quotes), "if your monthly Bergdorf's allowance has been halved and bottle service has all but disappeared from your life," attending a "meeting" (i.e. heading to a hotel lobby bar and kvetching over cocktails) may be for you. Here, the women share tales from the front, like how one's husband wants to eat dinner at home a lot more now (chopping vegetables is not sexy!).
But if you can't bankroll the $16-a-pop cocktails involved in these meetings, you can still take comfort in commiserating on the blog, where battle-scarred WAGs talk of distant mates, dwindling sushi outings, and <sob> enforced discount shopping. "I'm way too hot to be treated like this," one writes.
To you, Michael Patrick King -- who at last report were still casting about for plot ideas for the Sex and the City sequel -- we say: you're welcome. And you better get on it, pronto -- it took less than a day for the DABA founders to parlay the New York Times piece into a book deal.