Let's all raise our glasses of creme de menthe and Coca-Cola and toast to the immortal words once spoken by Roger Ebert, "We laugh, that we may not cry!" Truer words were never spoken. Now, let's get on with putting this puppy to bed.
-- Nikki Finke didn't let the three hit pieces that Peter Bart issued drag her down; somehow, she found time to defend herself and get off another epic shot at Ben Silverman. But everyone's got her price.
-- Did heroic bloggers get 50 Cent fired from The Expendables? Probably.
-- The 2009 crop of summer movies doesn't look like it will be helping the economy very much. Unfortunately, neither will iTunes. But be sure to save $1.29 for the next great Bailout Rock anthem!
-- We briefly interrupt Roll Credits to give you another chance to soak in the majestic beauty contained within the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are. Feel better? Us too!
-- We discovered Courtney Love's Twitter, and boy oh boy, are we ever glad we did. We're so glad she doesn't employ a ghost Twitterer like that good-for-nothing Barack Obama!
-- In casting news: Is this the new Spider-Man? Are those really the Three Stooges? And what of Amanda Bynes?
-- American Idol staved off a lip-syncing controversy just in time to drop the hammer on Michael Sarver.
-- The WGA called bluffs on the producers of In the Motherhood. We might have cared more had the show been any good.
-- We brought you interviews with Spike Jonze, Paul H-O, Ramin Bahrani, Fred Durst, Bryan Batt, John Eriksson, and Cary Fukunaga.
-- Whoever was responsible for dumbing down the subtitles for Let the Right One In apologized.
-- Good night, Battlestar Galactica. Live long and prosper (or something).
-- Last but not least, we learned that Cloris Leachman and Gene Hackman once made the beast with two backs. EPIC!