Are Vegetarians Better at Sex?

Trade in that asparagus tip.

Beyond the overenthusiastic veggie love and flagrant sexism in the banned PETA Super Bowl ad, we were also dubious of the notion that vegetarians have better sex.

Slate allays our fears with facts: "Vegetarian diets tend to correlate with higher rates of zinc deficiency, which is closely associated with lower testosterone levels and depressed sex drives. Vegetarian women are also more likely to develop amenorrhea (loss of periods), a condition that's usually accompanied by low testosterone, vaginal dryness, and poor libido."

Not so sexy. The cornerstone of PETA's argument is that eating meat makes you "fat, sick," and therefore "boring in bed."

There's some truth to vegetarians weighing less, on average, but the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology shows that overweight women might, in fact, be slightly more [sexually] active, Slate notes.

If PETA is claiming that vegetarians make better sex partners because they're hotter than meat-eaters, we'd like to point out that Victoria's Secret models like Gisele enjoy a little meat. According to Churrascaria waiter Marcio Lorenzi, they're partial to chicken hearts.

Debbie Does Salad [Slate]
Earlier: Watch PETA's Super Bowl Ad

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