Tonight: World Record Appreciation Society

Want to see someone attempt "Tallest Drawing Of A Midget" Or "Most Tootsie Rolls Eaten In One Minute"? This event's for you.

At the L.E.S.' Pianos tonight, the World Record Appreciation Society (yes, you may have heard of them -- they were just featured on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon) brings together would-be record-holders (plus host Jessi Klein of Best Week Ever fame), all hoping to end the night with their name etched in history. Anyone can build a really tall building or throw a javelin; tonight will see some truly amazing feats attempted. Just a smattering of world records you could witness in person:

Tallest Drawing Of A Midget
Most Tweets To MC Hammer (@mchammer) In One Minute
Most High Fives While An Audience Recites The Pledge Of Allegiance
Longest Flute Trill
Most Times Unzipping Someone Else's Pants In One Minute
Fastest Time To Cry
Most Pepperidge Farms Goldfish Chicken-Pecked Off A Table In One Minute
Most Tootsie Rolls Eaten In One Minute

World Record Appreciation Society, 3/25, 7-10PM; Pianos, 158 Ludlow Street, 212-505-3733.

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