The Great Street Art Caper of Bedford Avenue

Times are tough out there and art still sells for big bucks. Williamsburg is covered in art. Most of dubious quality, but still. ANIMAL has word on what could be the makings of a crime wave:

With street art getting "hot" and prices of the work steadily increasing in the market, French vandal Fafi should have known better than to paint her signature Fafinettes on something as removable as a whole section of fencing in the heart of Williamsburg central. After taking the time and care to put up two of her characters over KATSU's skull in broad daylight on Bedford Avenue, the entire piece of fence was detached shortly thereafter, according to a photo essay on her blog.

The real victim has to be the owner of the lot, who lost some quality lumber. Unless that's who took it, in which case, bravo on spotting a savvy investment.
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