The Naughty Housewife's Guide for New Parents

You knew "Real Housewives of New York" star Alex McCord—the one with all the nudie photos floating around the interwebs—had a book in her. Like maybe a hard bound coffeetable version of "Celebrity Skin." So imagine the surprised reactions when she announced that she was penning a  parenting book. If you'll remember her brats from the show, the career move seems about as obvious as Lynn Spears—whose daughters are a barely rehabbed skitzo pop tart and a teen mother—announcing her own guide to child rearing. But hold the phone. Lexxxie has bigger parenting issues in mind than, like, you know, getting the kids to behave like normal humans. She tells Page Six it's about tougher tasks, like how to smuggle a preemie out of the country:

"It's not about how to discipline. It's about things like how to get a passport for an infant when you don't have a birth certificate yet."
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