You have got to be kidding, G8. You're kidding, right? If you give a man a fish he eats for a day; if you teach him how to fish he eats for a lifetime? -- this is the plan to fight world hunger that comes out of the G8 Summit? What, did the world's elite leaders just finish reading "All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten?" Did they have Speech from Arrested Development set their agenda? And what's next? The Golden Rule?
Did they really literally have to go with the "Give a Man a Fish" slogan for a $20 billion dollar plan?
And here's the kicker: If people in New York City are hungry DON'T teach them to fish. In fact, the City is paying to put up signs around the five boroughs telling people not to eat the fish they catch in local waters -- an initiative begun when it found that poor people trying to save money during the recession had picked up rod and reel to find dinner. So in the case of NYC, don't teach a man to fish -- and maybe let them eat foie gras.