Hot on the heels of "Cannibal! The Musical" (okay, perhaps not that hot; Trey Parker's foray into Broadway bombast just marked its 13th anniversary with a new DVD release), Parker and partner-in-crime Matt Stone are at work on a live musical threatening to hit the Great White Way in 2009. Working title: "Mormon Musical." No exclamation mark was needed.
Those are the rough details on from a hazy Q+A with an equally hazy Cheyenne Jackson ("Xanadu"), who'll apparently star. Maybe. He's not exactly clear on his character: "Elder something," he told the Post's Jarett Wieselman. The project also brings the talents of puppet perv Robert Lopez, co-writer of "Avenue Q." Equal-opportunity offenders Parker and Stone are sure to bring the same even hand they've used in South Park for years. They should do more than perpetuate stereotypes and false impressions, using their absurdist bents to cast light on ignorance in all its forms, not just the most obvious. And if there is an inappropriate joke to make, trust them to make it. That goes double if it involves bodily fluids.