And now the latest from Racked, covering shopping and retail from the sidewalks up.
1) East Village: Kids, the sign outside the Rogan store has cryptic wisdom and it looks like designer Rogan Gregory has Yoda on retainer. The new sign says: "Bright lights and new dawns deserve you not a fresh start a modern look?" This means Barack wants you to go forth and shop.
2) Flatiron: Oh Christmas, why are you coming so quickly? We're still in Fourth of July mode. Anyway, the holiday pop-up shops are showing up. Wired's temporary store, which has become a regular holiday event in NYC, will rise at 15 West 18th Street and will be open for five weeks beginning November 21st. Wondrous gadgets, friends.
3) JFK: Spotted at Jet Blue's T5 per Racked: "Another awesome Japanese import. Forget the calm minimalism of Muji and feast your eyes on the hidden Pocky pocket of Kennedy Airport." Pockey Pocket!!!
4) Park Slope: Beacon's Closet, beloved by so many hipster bargain hunters is almost ready to move into its new digs on Fifth Avenue. The awning is up and the inside looks clean.For more stories from Curbed, go to