The (Big) Round-Up: Monday

First-time buyers dive into the New York market as housing prices fall. [NY Times]

Mortgage fraud on the part of industry pros on the rise. [NY Times]

The gargoyles of 527 West 110th. [NY Times]

Living in Castle Hill in the Bronx: good deals and now much safer. [NY Times]

Long Islander in serach of something lively in the city. [NY Times]

The anti-hype approach to marketing Truffles Tribeca, a new rental in a new age. [NY Times]

A ballet dancer in her first role as homeowner: Upper West Side studio. [NY Times]

A $2,400-per-square-foot sale at 1200 Fifth Avenue. [NY Times]

The biggest sale of an Upper East Side townhouse since the summer: $24.925 million. [NY Times]

The bull market for maid's rooms. [NY Times]

New York lost fewer residents to other states for the first time in a long time in 2007-08. [NY Times]

The block-long Martin Luther King Jr. Place in Bed-Stuy. [NY Times]

New Yorkers suggest infrastructure improvements for the new president to tackle. [NY Times]

More on the Walentases moving forward on new tower next to Brooklyn Bridge. [NY Post]

U.S. Conference of Mayors: New York metro area will lose 181,000 jobs. [NY Post]

New York nabes most attractive to older residents. [NYDN]

Real estate appraisers nationwide face big rule changes. [BusinessWeek]

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