Sander Says M.T.A. ‘Very Close' to New Funding From Albany

Lee Sander, the M.T.A.’s ever-serious and stoic executive director, sounded an unusually optimistic note this afternoon about the effort to secure new state money and thereby save the agency from severe service cuts and a major fare hike.

Speaking before a New York Building Congress luncheon at the Mandarin Oriental in the Time Warner Center, Mr. Sander implored the construction executive-filled ballroom to keep pushing the state Legislature for action on the M.T.A.

“Bottom line is, I think you should be really nice to Dick Anderson and tell him you’ll see him in eight weeks after he is done schlepping around Albany and down here, working the Senate and the Assembly,” he said, referring to the Building Congress’ president. “It is very close. I think we have a terrific shot.  read more »

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