NYMag Looks for Designer Rogan Gregory in Odd New Web Series

New York Magazine has launched a microsite for their new Where's Rogan? webisode series: eight short videos that focus on designer Rogan Gregory's "abduction." Fashion Week Daily tries to explain:

Rogan-lovers everywhere were left scratching their heads this fashion week when the designer cancelled his spring show only about a week in advance, but now, our questions may be answered. NYMag.com and Microsoft Silverlight have created a new eight-episode web series called "Where's Rogan?", starring Gregory's real-life friends, associates, and fashion industry insiders. Filmed during New York Fashion Week in September, the mystery series will feature two episodes per week for four weeks; each episode will be about three minutes long.

The whole thing is very strange (and features a lot of odd, obvious product placements), but Rogan fans might be amused by the designer's turn as an imprisoned sweatshop worker. The first four episodes are available to watch now.
· Where's Rogan [NYM]
· Rogan, Revealed [FWD]For more stories from Racked, go to racked.com.

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