This Is Why New York Is Fat: Cadbury Eggs and Cheesesteak, Deep-fried

The creators of This Is Why You’re Fat turn out to be Gawker’s Richard Blakely (a vegetarian!) and writer Jessica Amason. Of course, they’re shopping a book. (Hey, if the bacon-explosion guys can get six figures … ) And two things we’d like to see in that book? First, the off-the-menu deep-fried Cadbury egg that Blondie and Brownie unearthed at ChipShop. And second, the battered and deep-fried Philly cheesesteak hero that Robert Bermeister was selling at his Staten Island operation, Bermeister’s Chow Gourmet, yesterday. (You may remember Bermeister as a contestant on Chopped.) Quoth the chef: “Can you say heart attack?” Well, at least he’s honest. If you want a piece of this thing, feel free to call the chef in advance or try your luck ordering it off the menu.

Read more posts by Daniel Maurer

Filed Under: Blechtacular, gawker, jessica amason, philly cheesesteak, richard blakely, Robert Bermeister's Chow Gourmet, staten island

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