Chanel's spring 2009 campaign is out! It stars Heidi Mount, the 21-year-old Salt Lake City native and rising star who also fronts the house's resort ads. Landing the Chanel campaign is like winning a modeling Oscar. For one, Claudia Schiffer, Kate Moss, and Freja Beha have all been there. And the lucky girl gets to live, breathe, and work next to Karl Lagerfeld himself. Mount even got to chill with him at his new house in Vermont where he shot the ads. We're not surprised Mount landed the gig. She opened the label's spring show in October, and just weeks after that, her resort campaign dropped. Lagerfeld also shot the rising star for couture spreads in Harper's Bazaar and Numéro. But we're wondering — is Karl's house really this empty? Where's all the fabulous furniture? Click through to see more from the campaign.
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Filed Under: campaign trail, chanel, heidi mount