Blimpie: Home of the Scamwich Artist?

One of the “gentlemen” from the Foggy Monocle hit his local Blimpie and was aghast to discover that the subs are a smidge more expensive than the $5 foot-longs at Subway. From the IM conversation that ensued:

SubwayDiner: what was her reasoning behind the absurd price of the meal?

ScammedMan: there was no reasoning

ScammedMan: except that it was written on the board

ScammedMan: it was written 999

ScammedMan: i thought that was the calorie count

ScammedMan: not the goddamn price!

SubwayDiner: well sure. 999 calaroies is totally acceptable

Mayor Bloomberg, see what you have wrought?

A Gentleman Procures an Unreasonably Priced Lunch [Foggy Monocle]

Read more posts by Daniel Maurer

Filed Under: blimpie, How Did It Come to That?, subway

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