Notable Newbie: Super Hot Dog

Never mind that this weiner joint's name sounds like the title of a really loud Japanese cartoon. It's pushing the boundaries of doggery (blueberry jam on your frank, anyone?)

Here's how it works at the new hole-in-wall MacDougal hot doggery from sandwich shop Rino Ceronte's Danny Omari: You choose your bun (whole wheat or white -- store-bought now, soon to be baked in-house). Then you choose your dog (kosher beef or veggie). And here's where all hell breaks loose: The toppings. Corn relish with green onion and 'crispy beef bits'? Bruschetta -- chopped tomatoes, basil leaves, sliced garlic? Or is your dream frank something that combines the saltiness of a hot dog with the flavors of a breakfast buffet at a yoga retreat? Because that's what the fresh fruit variety gives you: Slices of fruit (peach, say, or melon) plus blueberry jam and a sprinkling of chopped green onion, just to confuse your taste buds further. (We'll take two.)

Last step: Pay (your dog will run you $4-5) and then chow down on your messy meal while you take in the décor: Nearly every flat surface at the wee eatery is plastered with a comic strip starring (what else?) a Super Hot Dog who saves the day. Not sure what his superpowers are, but isn't that reason enough to go? Super Hot Dog, 111 MacDougal Street at Minetta Lane; (212) 375-0800

More on Super Hot Dog at Grub Street.

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